Read, Write, Imagine!
Students at participating schools are invited to submit entries to the Cavalcade of Authors Short Story Writing Contest. There will be both a middle school and a high school division. Winners will receive the following prizes:
1st Place ~$75 gift certificate from Barnes & Noble.
2nd Place~$50 gift certificate from Barnes & Noble.
3rd Place~$25 gift certificate from Barnes & Noble.
Winners will also be invited to eat lunch with the authors at the Cavalcade event and will be published on the Cavalcade website with students’ permission.
- You must be a student at a participating Cavalcade of Authors school.
- The short story must be no more than 1500 words.
- The story can be written in prose or verse.
- Story must be the original work of the entrant.
- The story must meet the format guidelines.
- Contest Deadline is Feb 2018
- Submit 1 printed copy and an electronic copy of your story to your school librarian.
- The best story from each school will be judged by an independent panel of judges.
- Winners will be announced April 2018. Winners not attending Cavalcade will be notified by their librarians.
FORMAT GUIDELINES, submitted entries must:
- Be no more than 1500 words.
- Be double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font.
- The title should be printed at the top of the first page of the story.
- Include a cover sheet with the title of your story, your name, the name of your school, your grade, the name of your librarian, and the word count of the entry.
- On a separate page please state in writing your preference regarding whether or not you give permission to have your story published with your picture on our website. Date and sign this statement.
Please contact Michelle Lane if you have any questions about the Cavalcade writing contest. Students submitting stories who have registered independently, please email submission to:
We encourage you to also enter the RadCon student art and short story contests. Learn more at