Josh Allen checks under his bed before switching off the light each night. He’s the author of three books for young readers: OUT TO GET YOU: 13 TALES OF WEIRDNESS AND WOE; ONLY IF YOU DARE: 13 STORIES OF DARKNESS AND DOOM; and ONCE THEY SEE YOU: 13 STORIES TO SHIVER AND SHOCK. His writing has been praised by The Wall Street Journal, The American Library Association, The Children’s Book Council, The Junior Library Guild, Kirkus Reviews, and more. He’s also a creative writing professor at BYU-Idaho, where he’s taught for more than twenty years. He likes ice cream and pumpkin-chocolate-chip cookies. He likes good books and good movies, and he thinks the coolest movies ever are The Empire Strikes Back and Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse.

Workshop: Spooky Stuff: How to Give Readers the Chills

Horror author Josh Allen will share his tips and tricks for creating spine-tingling stories, scenes, and monsters that linger in readers’ minds long after the lights go out.