I once peed my pants in front of the whole school while I attempted to sing a solo.
Learn more at http://www.booksbyomalley.com/
Captain Raptor and the Moon Mystery Captain Raptor
by Kevin O'Malley
When a mysterious object lands on one of Jurassica's moons, Captain Raptor and his crew set out in their spaceship to investigate. Will the dinosaurs be able to survive their alien encounter? (grades K-3)
Ghoul School
by Kevin O'Malley
Bea A. Fraid goes to an all-ghoul school where students learn how to make haunted houses, paint terrifying pictures, and eat lady fingers and spare ribs for lunch. But Bea doesn't want to be scary; she wants to dance and sing and tell jokes, which frequently lands her in the principal's office. Find out how Bea becomes the scariest ghoul of all in this delightful Halloween caper. (grades K-3)
Grandfather Duck
by Kevin O'Malley
When Mother Duck calls on Grandfather Duck to entertain her three ducklings, Grandfather Duck obliges with a riotous visit to a nearby pond, where the ducklings tempt fate by taunting a cat, trying to eat a poisonous plant, and attempting to fly off of a very large rock. In each case Grandfather Duck comes to the rescue and teaches the ducklings a valuable life lesson. (grades K-3)
How They Croaked
by Kevin O'Malley
Over the course of history, men and women have lived and died. In fact, getting sick and dying can be a big, ugly mess—especially before the modern medical care that we all enjoy today. From King Tut's ancient autopsy to Albert Einstein's great brain escape, How They Croaked contains all the gory details of the awful ends of nineteen awfully famous people. (grades 5-8)
Once Upon a Cool Motorcycle Dude
by Kevin O'Malley
When their teacher gives a joint storytelling assignment, a boy and a girl have different ideas of how their fairy tale should evolve. Can they agree on who will live happily ever after? With a cool motorcycle dude and a beautiful princess the possibilities are endless! (grades K-3)
The Perfect Dog
by Kevin O'Malley
When your parents say you can get a dog, you feel so LUCKY. And after you finally figure out what kind of dog you want, that feels even LUCKIER. But when the perfect dog chooses you—it feels like you’re the LUCKIEST kid in the world! Dogs come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities. But which one is perfect for you? (grades K-3)